Become a Lincoln Lawyer

Keynotes to Energize YOU

and Your Audience!


Readin’, Rightin’, Rhetoric

Lawyers need to speak as well as the public believes they do. While we know that essential skills for lawyers require expert reading, expert writing, we must also demonstrate expert rhetoric. The ability to speak competently in front of clients, the court, and the community. Aristotle taught the power of rhetoric in judicial, political and community settings thousands of years ago but today our law schools and law practices continue to fail to turn out inadequate speakers. It is more than the need for persuasive speaking, it is the professional responsibility of every lawyer to be well spoken in every forum.

Dr. Randy Harvey lays out a plan for progress that any interested attorney can pursue in developing their speaking practice.

Find out Randy's current availability and keynote fee structure. Customize your training workshops for either group or personal coaching!


Thinking filler words, stumbling, stilted, halting responses to important questions from clients, courts and community strangle and stretch lawyers on the rack of public embarrassment. We admire those great voices of law. Lawyers like Abraham Lincoln and Clarance Darrow stood up for their clients and raised their voices in defense of those most in need of their skill. But today we lawyers do not apply the practices they used to become the great speakers that they were. We are so busy with the practice of law and its minutia that we neglect the art of law and the possibility that we could be well spoken, a voice of confidence and competence. It is possible for lawyers to learn the skills of speaking well and Abraham Lincoln shows us the way to find our own voice and use it for our clients and ourselves.

Dr. Randy Harvey uses the speaking arts of Lincoln to demonstrate a path to perfecting your oral skills as a lawyer.

Are you ready to become a Lincoln Lawyer?
Find out Randy's current availability and keynote fee structure. Customize your training workshops for either group or personal coaching!